
Ten Things Today.

1. I love the rain. Today I'm so grateful for the rain. It so refreshing and makes it smell like Fall.

2. I'm 28 years old. Did you know that? I don't feel like it. In someways I'm glad I feel younger, but in other ways, I worry that I have yet to grow up.

3. Breakfast This Morning:

4. I've been pulling out my Halloween decorations and I'm so so excited to get everything up. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I love to go all out.

5. My Dad is back in the rehab center, kind of back to his old self, but he's so pale. I'm glad he's closer now though so we can see him everyday.

6. My mom is amazing.

7. This is Sally, and she rocks my world these days:

8. I forgot what eight was for. (Name that song.)

9. I don't feel like myself today and I don't know why. But I don't like it. Maybe doing the laundry will help.

10. Tomorrow I'm having a little Halloween themed giveaway. I hope you like it.

1 comment:

Joni said...

So glad to hear about your dad. I got out my Halloween decor today and doing laundry did nothing for my mood today...