
Auld. Lang. Syne.

2010 was an interesting year.
My life changed.
Big time.
Some positive changes, and some not so positive changes.
At this moment I'm sitting on my couch, listening to the fireworks outside, surrounded by boxes that contain everything we own.
This new year brings a new chapter, a new home, a new life.


I'm moving away with my little family to make our own home.
I almost feel like a little kid on the first day of school. Nervous that I will get lost, that I won't make any friends, and I won't adapt to my new home or town.
So we aren't moving very far away, but I've lived here my whole life, and this is a big step for me.

In 2011 I want to play with Blythe more, tell Jameson I love him more, cook more, exercise more, read more, nap more, craft more, clean more, and learn more. Among other things.
So here's to a new year.

It will be great.

I think.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I miss you! I feel like I haven't caught up with you since you started working! But I'm glad you like your job, and I know 2011 is going to be a great year for you and Jameson & Blythe. Call me some time!