
And We're Back.

In our new home.

With less hair.

And a new lease on life.

Hi friends.

I've missed you!

But I'm back. And this is going to be a great new year. My theme this year is 'health'.

All over health.

Physical. Spiritual. Emotional.

It's time for me to take better care of this bod I've been blessed with.

I have so much to talk about over these next few posts. This last month has been crazy for my little family and so many changes have taken place. I'm excited to share.

It's currently 7am and I'm sitting on my couch, drinking chai tea (my new found love) and watching my car warm up outside. This winter hasn't been too bad so I can't complain about the snow or cold, but I'm aching for spring.


Until Next.

1 comment:

peckette said...

Hello best friend! I LOVE YOUR HAIR! I am coming to utah tomo, what are you doing?